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Audi Q5 Sportback TFSI e - Technical data

Q5 Sportback TFSI e 50 quattro S tronic (220 kW)

Engine type Inline 4-cylinder engine
Displacement in cc / bore x stroke in mm / compression 1984 / 82.5 x 92.8 / 9.6
Max. power output in kW (hp) / at rpm 195 (265) / 5250 - 6500
Max. torque in Nm (lb-ft) / at rpm 370 (272.9) / 1600 - 4500
Top speed / electrical in km/h (mph) 239 (148.5) (limited) / 135 (83.9)
System acceleration, 0-100 km/h (0-62.1 mph) 6.1
Electric power consumption, combined according to WLTP in kWh/100 km 23.4 - 22.1
Fuel consumption, combined according to WLTP in l/100 km 1.9 - 1.6
CO2 emissions, combined according to WLTP in g/km 42 - 35
CO2 class, weighted combined B
CO2 class with discharged battery G
Unladen weight without driver / with driver / gross weight limit in kg (lb) 2075 (4574.6) / 2150 (4739.9) / 2660 (5864.3)
Consumption and emissions values are only available according to WLTP and not according to NEDC for this vehicle. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO2 emissions in ranges depending on the chosen equipment level of the car.
Data sheet
Technical specifications and data: Q5 Sportback TFSI e 50 quattro S tronic (220 kW)

Q5 Sportback TFSI e 55 quattro S tronic (270 kW)

Engine type Inline 4-cylinder engine
Displacement in cc / bore x stroke in mm / compression 1984 / 82.5 x 92.8 / 9.6
Max. power output in kW (hp) / at rpm 195 (265) / 5250 - 6500
Max. torque in Nm (lb-ft) / at rpm 370 (272.9) / 1600 - 4500
Top speed / electrical in km/h (mph) 239 (148.5) (limited) / 135 (83.9)
System acceleration, 0-100 km/h (0-62.1 mph) 5.3
Electric power consumption, weighted combined in kWh/100 km 23.4 - 22.2
Fuel consumption, combined according in l/100 km 1.9 - 1.6
CO2 emissions, combined according in g/km 42 - 36
CO2 class, weighted combined B
CO2 class with discharged battery G
Unladen weight without driver / with driver / gross weight limit in kg (lb) 2075 (4574.6) / 2150 (4739.9) / 2660 (5864.3)
Consumption and emissions values are only available according to WLTP and not according to NEDC for this vehicle. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO2 emissions in ranges depending on the chosen equipment level of the car
Data sheet
Technical specifications and data: Q5 Sportback TFSI e 55 quattro S tronic (270 kW)

Price sheet and dimensions

Dimensions for all available engines.

Press contacts

Michael Crusius Michael Crusius
Spokesperson model serie Q5, Driver Assistance Systems, Electronic, Infotainment, Battery Technology
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