Audi is consistently driving the hybrid working world of the future within the company

There’s no going back to yesterday’s workplace: for Audi, hybrid working models are an essential component of the company culture. The company agreement “Hybrid Working,” which took effect at the Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm sites on October 1, 2022, is setting a new standard in the Audi workplace. The company agreement envisions maximum flexibility, self-determination, and personal responsibility for employees. To a great extent, Audi staff can freely choose their workplace and alternate between working from home and on-site, to the extent that the nature of their work permits. Audi will support them with equipment packages for the home office and by reorganizing the space at the plant to make their work more productive and their time there more pleasant. Teams set their own rules and are not constrained by rigid guidelines imposed from above. Desk sharing in the office and more flexible working conditions in production are also part of the concept. Audi’s company agreement “Hybrid Working” builds on its “Mobile Working” company agreement, which had been in effect since 2016. It was developed as part of the Better Normal project, which Audi has used to foster modern working models and a culture of trust and personal responsibility.